a. Welcome Aboard, Future Prompt Engineer 🧑‍🚀

First of all, congratulations to you on taking this step! 💪

There’s a revolution going on in AI and you are joining at the perfect time. ChatGPT and the technologies surrounding it are going to dominate the next technology cycle throughout 2023-24 and beyond



In the process, virtually every business on earth will be reinvented to some degree once business leaders realise the amazing power and efficiency that leveraging AI can give them

Humanity has spent the last ≈30 years feeding interconnected & meaningful data into the internet, and now for the first time there are platforms like ChatGPT that can let you leverage this treasure trove

30 years’ worth of the knowledge, experience and skills of billions of internet users around the world…

All you have to do is learn how to ask the right questions

So let’s get started asking! 👇

b. What is The Sigma Program Σ

ChatGPT has captured the attention of millions of people, but the vast majority are only scratching the surface

They’re treating ChatGPT all wrong - they think it’s cool, fun and useful. They play with it some days when they remember to and the servers aren’t at full capacity

But they still don’t understand the jaw-dropping leap forward this represents, and the tidal wave of business opportunities that it allows you to leverage all from your own home with no overheads or investments